The Cultural Center at the University of Denver provides identity-based student programming, annual cultural signature events, and leadership opportunities and support for all students. We do this through campus-wide partnerships, student-led initiatives, and being a central place to help students envision a holistic student experience. We create spaces for the campus to celebrate differences across identities.
Visit our professional staff for resources, study at one of our lounges in the Community Commons, pick up gender affirming clothing in the Pride Closet, find mentors to guide you on your identity journey with ViQtory!, celebrate your identity with cultural events like Lunar New Year or Dia de los Muertos, connect with graduate peers with programs like Sistah Network, apply your leadership skills with Excelling Leaders Institute, and more with The Cultural Center! All programs are open to all students who wish to respectfully engage.
(Photo: From left to right - Jorge Espinoza, Eric Duran, Racheal Aragon)
We envision a campus where all students feel like their identity and experiences are a valued attribute to their college journey. Be Engaged – Bridge Identities – and Build Connections are values we encourage students to incorporate in their journey at DU.
Be You at DU!
Racheal Aragon - Director of BIPOC Student Success
Jorge Espinoza - Assistant Director of BIPOC Student Success
Eric Duran - Director of Gender and Sexuality Student Success
The Cultural Center is committed to uplifting and empowering all students with a focus on students of color and sexual and gender diverse students by bettering their sense of belonging, increasing their engagement on campus, and supporting their identity development. We aim to create an environment where all students can critically engage in an intersectional understanding of their identity and foster connection with the communities around them. With the support of student leaders and campus partners, we continuously strive for the following goals:
Increase the presence and participation of historically underrepresented populations within the institution focusing on their retention, success, and sense of belonging.
To provide a community that facilitates success in the areas of leadership, scholarship, service, and advocacy through advising, empowerment, cultural enrichment, educational programming, and social development.
Further the initiatives of campus strategic imperatives for inclusive excellence
Our work and efforts are open to all who wish to respectfully engage
"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."
Audre Lorde
Contact Us
We'll continue to add events and resources here as known.
If you have questions about specific events or services, please contact the individual coordinators or providers directly.
If you have updates or additions for this list, please email them to